Prisms has tremendous experience in supplying painting and powder coating plants for valves with special plant designs and engineering.Our range of equipment for valve painting includes Automatic blasting and manual shot blasting equipment for blasting the valves, Wet type/water wash paint booths for painting valves, Paint curing/baking/drying ovens, Conveyors,Paint sludge separation systems etc. We also supply complete dry type paint booths,paint booth with heating and operator paint lift for painting large valve components.
Valves are also powder coated to save on production costs.Prism helps valve manufacturers to achieve high levels of powder thickness using a special dip system which can achieve a thickness of over 300 microns. A typical powder coating line for valves include a Special dipping powder coating system with powder recovery, Energy efficient Powder curing Ovens/dryers, material handling systems, conveyors, Automatic wheel blasting and manual shot blasting equipment.
Prism has major references/customers worldwide in the valve industry.