Prism has vast experience in supplying complete paint shop package which includes Paint spray booths and paint finishing systems for painting rail coaches, trains, metro bogies, wagons, locomotives and railway components such as bogie and spring.Our range of equipment for the railway industry include blast rooms, shot blasting equipment, Paint booths, paint drying curing/baking ovens, Gas Catalytic ovens, shower tester booths, 3 axis operator painting platform, paint kitchens and paint sludge separation systems.
Prism specially designs paint booths for rail wagons,rail coaches and locomotives.These paint booths have been supplied to various customers such as Alstom, Omax, Indian railways, Jindal railways and modern industries.
Our Gas catalytic ovens was installed for curing the paint of the rail wagons. The catalytic oven reduces the curing time to 3 minutes compared to conventional paint curing oven which usually takes 12 minutes, this brings down the drying time and energy costs by 50%.The running costs is also very less due to low fuel consumption by the gas catalytic oven.
Our shower tester and rain leakage booths are specially designed to test for any type of water leakage for the coaches and locomotives.
The 3 axis man operator platform which are fitted in paint booths helps painting operators to reach the top of the locomotive or bogie with ease and increase productivity. This system is used worldwide in the railway painting industry.
We also supply complete robotic painting systems and 3 axis painting with reciprocators for automatic painting of the coaches.
Prisms Painting lines for railways are very energy efficient with proven designs and successful plants running worldwide.
Prism also undertakes and has executed many special government projects worldwide for railway painting.