Prism has supplied large powder coating lines/plants for coating construction machinery, agricultural machinery,cranes,Tractors,farm equipment Sheet metal components etc.the components that are coated are usually heavy weighting upto 2 tons.While assembling special care is taken to avoid damages to the hard powder coating hence making the proscess more cost effective.Our range of equipments include Spray Pre treatment Plants,Powder coating booths(automatic and manual) with recovery systems , powder guns,Temprature and humidity controlled Powder coating booths,powder curing ovens,Various types of conveyors such as overhead/power and free,Shot blasting equipment with shot blasting rooms/chambers etc.Our equipments for Painting include Paint booths (dry and wet type),Paint baking/curing ovens,Chemical pre treatment plants,Shotblasting equipment(automatic and manual),shot blasting rooms and chambers,conveyors,operator platforms,material handling systems etc.