Prism is considered the world leader in supplying complete railway and locomotive Paint shops around the world. We supply the complete set of systems required for painting which include paint booths, paint drying ovens, gas catalytic oven, Blast rooms, blasting, Painting robots and reciprocator arms, 3 and 2 axis platforms which are pneumatically operated, paint kitchens, air handling units and shower rain tester booths which are used to test for water leakage. We can also supply complete paint booth with heating systems where painting and drying takes place in the same chamber.

Prism also has introdued the MAGIC painter gun system which can save locomotive and railway coach manufacturers more than 50% paint and does not use compressed air. This will give paint and energy savings drastically. Prism also has supplied the gas catalytic oven which can dry the paint in 10 minutes compared to 30 minutes for drying the coach. This oven consumes only 50% energy and fuel compared to conventional ovens.

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