Shot blasting large components can always be a challenge especially when it cannot be reached by the operator.Manual ladders can be difficult to climb and exhausting for the operator.Also there is a risk of few critical areas which cannot be accessed due to its size and this results in improper blasting.

Instead we offer you a complete man lift which is pneumatic powered by air which can be controlled by the operator which can be fitted in the blast booth or room.This man lift will be mounted to the the booth wall and can travel on all 3 axis by the operator(X,Y,Z). This can be used to in grit, sand and other media blast systems. Our man lift systems are designed to operate under harsh conditions.The man lifts will increase operator safety and productivity. Our platforms give trouble free performance for over 15-20 years.

Prism designs and manufactures complete industrial man lift systems used in paint booths and blast booths which are pneumatic.

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