One of the cost cutting tricks or cutting on quality used in the paint shop industry is to use pre coated sheets and corrugated sheets in paint and powder coating drying ovens. As a company its against our founders policy and company’s policy to indulge in such methods. However customers must know why certain suppliers use this and what are the disadvantages of using these type of sheets in their ovens.

The first disadvantage is it takes lot of time to install such sheets. It requires site fabrication and the structures are usually not stable enough for using it as a drying oven. The second disadvantage is the strength of the material of precoated or corrugated is very less and is prone to damage if an external force is applied. GI panels have much more stability and strength in its structures. The third disadvantage is that precoated sheets destroy the aesthetics of the oven or the plant. These were old cost cutting tricks used by the Chinese and still used by many Indian paint shop suppliers present in Pune and Delhi.

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