UV cured powder coatings are an industrial finishing technology giving a resilient and durable finish to a variety of materials and products. UV cured powder coatings are available in many colors, glosses and textures and formulated to meet specific performance requirements. UV powder coatings are produced in the same manner using the same equipment as thermoset
powder coatings – blended, extruded, chilled, chipped, milled, classified, sieved, and packaged. Prism is the turnkey supplier of complete UV powder coating plant and we also help you supply with the powder.

Advantages of UV Powder Coatings:

1.Environmentally Friendly
UV powder coatings contain no volatile organic compounds (VOCs), or hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), are solvent free, and non-toxic. They contain no chemicals or compounds that can damage the environment and waste materials can be recycled.

2· Efficient Process/Speed of Curing
UV curable powder coatings cure faster and use less energy than other finishing processes. More parts are finished in less time.

3.Ability to Coat Heat Sensitive Materials
UV cured powder coatings melt at lower temperatures and cure faster than other coatings. This advantage makes it possible to powder coat “heat sensitive” materials like wood, medium density fiber board (MDF), plastics, composites, and carbon fiber without damaging the substrate.

4. Small Plant Footprint
A UV powder application system uses less plant floor than other paint systems. Footprint could beas small as 185 square meters, potentially less depending on type of product finished and system design.

5. Ease of Material Handling
UV powder is safe to use and is easily recycled. Use of UV curable powder coatings does not require any permits, special air handling, operator breathing devices, or flammability restrictions. Faster and Greater Return on Investment
A UV cured powder system can finish more material in a given period of time. The benefits of a fast system are an increased operating capacity, reduced work in process inventory, lower cost of quality, less energy usage, and increased profits per hour – generating a faster and greater ROI.

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