Prism over the years have a track record of having supplied high performing powder coating plants and Paint Shops which last for over 15-20 years. In our r&d center in Bangalore we have developed many technologies that is realistic,affordable and can give immediate benefits in your paint shop in terms of energy and paint savings. These technologies have been developed over the years. Here are some of our latest technologies in paint shops  that we currently offer:

  1. Magic Painter Gun– This is a revolutionary gun that can save you around 50% paint and it does not use compressed air. It eliminates complete paint over spray and paint fog which occurs in almost all guns in today’s market. It gives a transfer efficiency around 85-90% and it supplies warm dry air between 45-60 degrees Celsius. As it does not use compressed air it eliminates all issues related to compressed air such as oil and moisture. This gun can be used to paint any object except for shipyards where ver high viscous paint are used.
  2. Gas catalytic oven – This oven can bring down drying/curing time drastically and only consumes 50% fuel compared to normal traditional conventional ovens. This can be used in powder coating or painting. It can also be used as a booster oven to reduce the length of the conventional oven to reduce investment costs. This also speeds up the drying time.
  3. UV Powder coating– UV powder coating is the next game changer in the powder coating industry where you can dry UV powder in less than a minute compared to traditional powder coating which takes between 20 -25 minutes to dry. A UV-cured powder system can produce more material in a given period of time. This results in an increased operating capacity, reduced WIP inventory, lower cost of quality, less energy usage, and increased profits per hour. All of these factors lead to a higher ROI. UV-curable powder coating is faster and uses less energy than other finishing processes. This key benefit allows you to coat more products in less time while using less energy without damaging the substrate. This increases productivity and reduces running costs. UV powder can be reused just like normal powder which reduces your running costs
  4. Pneumatic 3 axis man lift platform– This platform is fitted in paint and blast booths to paint or blast large objects. This increases operator comfort and reduces fatigue. It also help in bring down refinishing costs. It is powered only by air and since a paint booth is an explosive atmosphere we dont use hydraulic or electric which can cause explosions. Our platforms are CE certified and have been exported to Europe and USA. Widely used in railways, aerospace, trucks,bus,windmills and any large fabricated machinery.

All the above technologies are present in our R&D lab and customers are welcome to come and see it for themselves to believe what we are offering.

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