Gas catalytic oven uses radiation heat transfer technique to heat only the paint and powder without heating the surface. Electric Infrared Oven use electric infrared heaters to radiate heat into a part. The ovens can be designed in various shapes and for nearly any process involving heat treatment. Gas catalytic oven is the most cost effective and energy efficient curing solution. Compared to electric infrared, gas catalytic infrared uses significantly less energy to operate. These ovens are commonly used for curing powder coatings on nearly any substrate. Further life of the electric heaters are less which means higher replacement costs which will increase your maintenance costs. Gas catalytic infrared ovens do not rely on heated, moving air to increase the part temperature. This reduces opportunities for cross-contamination or blowing off un-cured powder on powder coated parts.Electric infrared ovens are the fastest way to heat a part. For extremely small spaces and fast line speeds, electric infrared energy will transfer the infrared energy faster than gas catalytic infrared ovens. gas catalytic ovens can bring down drying time drastically and also it uses less fuel bringing down energy costs.

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