Many distribution transformers up-to 220 kVA are designed to have fins all over the tank. These fins have upto 440 mm depth and have around 50 mm gap between them.It is difficult to find a spray painting gun that can penetrate the paints between the fins and deposit effectively protecting it against corrosion.These transformers are mounted on top of a post /poll and are subject to hot, humid, rainy and harsh weather conditions through out the year. The chances of repainting are very less hence the quality of coating should be able to withstand these conditions.

The conventional practice is to have a 3 coat paint system with manual shower coating as the primer coat followed by intermediate and top coat using spray painting. This 3 coat system is an efficient process wasting a lot of paint, not environmental friendly and does not cover all the surfaces between the fins.Hence in order to obtain C4 or C5 quality standards Prism has introduced a special technology where you can powder coat the distribution transformers, tanks, lids and conservators.When you powder coat the transformers you reduce on your running costs as you can reuse the powder rather than disposing it. With powder coating you also get better protection compared to painting especially when it is exposed to harsh weather conditions.

Prism has installed the worlds first powder coating line in ABB Egypt and after installing numerous transformer powder coating lines around the world.Contact the Prism team for more details.

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