Installing a horizontal automatic powder coating plant/line can have its own set of challenges from an extruder point of view. As you know such investments should give your company a quick ROI and at the same time enhance your brand image. The plant should perform consistently satisfying all your demanding customers at-least for the next 20 years. Hence it is advisable to install a line with high quality standards with a professional design.

Many extrusion companies worldwide have made the mistakes in the past while choosing the wrong capacity and design of the plant looking at only plant manufacturers country of origin. But the architects and builders always demand quick deliveries, more colors, international quality standards etc. By spending marginally a higher price if you can have a plant with higher coating capacity, it will help you to drastically bring down the ROI period. We have all the calculations relevant for aluminium profile coating industry to support this claim.

Hence we strongly recommend you to focus on choosing the right type of plant design and coating capacity to bring down ROI period. Prism has installed numerous aluminium extrusion automatic powder coating lines around the world for many European and middle east companies around the world.

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