Painting large equipment’s such as Aircraft’s, trucks , buses, rail coaches/locomotives , power transformers , wind mills and other components can be difficult to paint as some areas are hard to reach. This becomes increasing difficult for the operator to keep using manual ladders or platforms to paint the difficult areas. This can lead to finish issues, decreased productivity , operator fatigue and increasing the cost of repainting. To overcome these issues Prism introduces the ‘Tall Boy’ which is a Pneumatic 3 axis platform which can be fitted in your paint booths or Blast rooms. All our platforms are completely Pneumatic (powered by air) and not electric because of the explosive atmosphere present in Paint booths where any spark can be a hazardous in the paint booth. We also dont use hydraulic platforms because there could be a possibility of oil leakage and could affect the finish.Also your maintenance costs will increase as the booth needs to be regularly cleaned if here is oil leakage.


Designed in Germany and manufactured in India. You are assured of technology from Germany and the manufacturing is in India which gives you a cost advantage and faster ROI for your investment. The Tall boy can fit into any type of spray paint booth and is easy to use.
Our platforms are designed to reduce operator fatigue, increases productivity and helps you save on paint by bringing down the cost of over painting or repainting.
Our platforms travel and reach to difficult areas of the object while painting (sometimes which cannot be reached by the human hand)which can be vertically ,telescopic or horizontally).
All our platforms are powered by air which makes it safe to use in explosive atmospheres such as paint spray booths
Our Platforms require less maintenance and are easy to operate.

Main Areas of Application
Manufacturers of Buses,trucks, large valves, large engines , power transformers, aircraft’s , military vehicles ,rail coaches,locomotives , metro bogies ,wind mills and any component that cannot be reached by the human hand.Our platforms can be used in Paint booths, Blast rooms as well as powder coating booths.

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